4 Core Benefits of Cloud Backup for SaaS Platforms

Businesses like yours are increasingly adopting cloud-based solutions to keep up with the rapidly changing technological landscape. According to a recent study by Gartner, cloud adoption will not slow down anytime soon.* Many of these organizations, however, are...

99 Problems but Cloud Backup Isn’t 1

Data loss is a genuine threat to all businesses. Not only can it cost a lot of time, money and other resources to fix, but it can also be a huge pain to deal with when you have other pressing business matters to handle. While there are plenty of reasons data can be...

Don’t Overlook These 3 Technology Budget Categories

Are you considering all the necessary technology categories when planning your annual budget? Technology is essential for any modern business such as yours, but it’s easy to focus solely on routine services that keep the lights on. This could lead you to miss crucial...

Tech Budgeting 101 for Small Businesses

With the new year around the corner, now is an excellent time to review your organization’s budget to ensure your business has the resources it needs to continue to grow and prosper in the coming year. It’s important to understand that in today’s highly digitized...